Too Much Pizza

I was moving out of my apartment in Atlanta.

Went to the dumpster with a few bags of junk.

One was full of something else: pizza boxes.

I ate a lot of pizza. But it’s not my favorite. Pizza is mad greasy, full of carbs. Gross actually. What I really love is steak. It’s healthy too. I just can’t afford it.

Now in NYC I eat even more pizza. And I realized something.

I have too much pizza and not enough steak.

I have too many fair-weather friends. Too many pit stained t-shirts. Too many to-do lists. Too many albums on iTunes bringing back sour memories. Too many broken coffee mugs I keep burning myself with anyway.

Don’t conform to pizza. Don’t try to make it taste better with red chili flakes or garlic powder. If you’re debating DiGiorno vs. Tombstone, you’ve already lost. Put more steak on your plate. Put more steak in your life.

Instead of saying “I can’t afford it,” ask “how can I afford it?”